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Revision as of 14:37, 18 November 2010 by Adm BlackCat (Talk | contribs)
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May 13, 2010: Discovery

  • After the "File List B4" completed its countdown in the terminal, one file was printable: RSCOM8.DAT. When printed, it produced the following two pages:

July 15, 2010: Contact

  • Those who sent the completed maze to the address listed on the newspaper ad began receiving response mail hinting at another puzzle or task, saying that only "the most brave, true, and loyal" candidates would succeed and be granted membership to the astronaut program.


  • When found, the website was not available, only displaying the following splash page:
May 13, 2010
July 13, 2010
  • The HTML source of the website included the line:
<div align="center"><img src="img/temp.gif" width="800" height="650" alt="Rocket Poppeteers" />
This line of code implies that the image used for the splash logo, named "temp.gif", means that the image may not stay long, and the site may be updated shortly.
  • On July 13th, the splash image was updated to include a ™ symbol.

July 23, 2010: Comic-Con

July 23, 2010
  • The splash page was updated to include a link to the newly-created Rocket Poppeteers Twitter account. Posts on the Twitter account announce that the Poppeteers Recruiting Truck will be at Comic-Con.

July 28, 2010: Active

July 23, 2010
  • The RocketPoppeteers website became active to allow people to register as a New Recruit or Candidate Verification. The Candidate Verification was for those who mailed off the coupon maze and received a postal response.
  • A unavailable link is also present on the main page after the loading screen, saying 'Fly the Rocket SSF1' it appears as 'Coming soon'.
July 29, 2010
  • A page was found with an animation of Gordon Cooper floating in space with with the RP logo and 'We are recruiting in Your town -Click Here-' behind him.
    • The page was soon removed and it is assumed it was an accidental page leak.

August 2nd, 2010: Fly the Rocket SSF1

  • Fly the Rocket SSF1 icon becomes active leading to the spaceship control panel.
  • Nine different messages from Poppeteers Mission Control. Plus the five flavor fleets.

Sept. 27, 2010: Email and Survey

  • People who registered with received emails directing them to a survey.
    • Survey Questions.
1. Your favorite astronaut is Captain 'Coop' Cooper!
2. You coudl defeat an evil Kladrog all by yourself.
3. You know all the words to the Rocket Poppeteers Theme Song!
4. If you could, you'd eat hamburgers every day!
5. You finish homework quickly.
6. Your desk at school is very organized.
7. You believe that aliens live on other planets.
8. You prefer to sit close to a door in a room.
9. You prefer stories with happy endings.
10. You enjoy exploring the unknown.
11. Your favorite color is red.
12. You are often a hero in your dreams.
13. You are a super skilled rocket ship pilot. Just like Captain 'Coop' Cooper!
14. You would tell the teacher if you caught your brother cheating on a test!
15. You have things in common with other members of your class.
16. You sometimes can tell what your classmates are thinking.
17. You always leave room for dessert, especially Rocket Poppeteers Popsicles!
18. If you had two Rocket Poppeteers Popsiciles left, you would share one with a friend.
19. Being a Rocket Poppeteers Astronaut is the best job in the world!
20. You would win the race to outer space.
Written Portion:
In ten words or less, please complete the following two sentences:
If I were a Rocket Poppeteers Astronaut, My first mission would be. . .
If I had a lifetime supply of rocket poppeteers popsicles, I would. . .
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