Craigslist Estate Sale
From Super8
Craigslist Estate Sale
- On June 21st, the printable message found on was updated to include a photo where half of the image was retrieved from a reflection. That image contained a box with a pillbox hat sitting on it, tagged with a sticky note indicating it was sold, plus the area code '25801'. This led to the discovery of the first Craigslist ad, shown below, and the following Craigslist ads.
- Notes on the billboard behind some of the items include portions of a phone number.
- Cactus Cookie Jar: 800
- Horse Clock: 708
- Swan Ceramic: 2151
- Piecing together all the visible portions of the card on the bulletin board reveals:
- ??????
- April 16th 2010
- ??????the Afternoon
- ??????ony Reprieve
- If attending graveside ceremony
- Please Follow with Lights and Flashers on
- If you wish to contribute to the Minker Memorial fund
- More details can be found at
- 1-800-708-2151
- Calling 1-800-708-2151 leads to a message from Josh Minker regarding the Evelyn Minker Memorial Fund. More importantly, Josh Minker owns the website
File:Evelyn Minker Memorial Fund recording.mp3
- This number is now disconnected.
Pillbox Hat
- REPOST: Estate Sale – Red/Pink Pillbox Hat with Monkey Brooch/Pin
- Date: 2010-06-17, 10:45PM EDT
- Reply to:
- REPOST: Estate Sale – Red/Pink Pillbox Hat with Monkey Brooch/Pin
- NO DEADBEAT BUYERS PLEASE! Antique hat with fun, iron brooch/pin. Lots history here but I don’t have time to get it appraised. My loss is your gain.
- *Price Negotiable
White/Green Dress
- Estate Sale – White/Green Dress
- Date: 2010-06-17, 10:59PM EDT
- Reply to:
- Estate Sale – White/Green Dress
- Size 8 polyester/cotton blend. Barely worn.
- *Price Negotiable
Cactus Cookie Jar
- Estate Sale – Cactus Cookie Jar
- Date: 2010-06-17, 10:52PM EDT
- Reply to:
- Estate Sale – Cactus Cookie Jar
- Rare. Heard these aren’t made anymore. Clean, good condition. Difficult to break.
- *Price Negotiable
Swan Ceramic
- Estate Sale – Swan Ceramic
- Date: 2010-06-17, 10:46PM EDT
- Reply to:
- Estate Sale – Swan Ceramic
- Been in the family since I was a kid. Good condition. Can put change, accessories, or candies in her.
- *Price Negotiable
Old Sled
- Estate Sale – Old Sled
- Date: 2010-06-17, 10:41PM EDT
- Reply to:
- Estate Sale – Old Sled
- This is a cool item! Not sure how old but I used it as a kid. Fair quality. Probably best for a collector but you may get some good rides out of it.
- *Price Negotiable
Horse Clock
- Estate Sale - Horse Clock
- Date: 2010-06-17, 10:34PM EDT
- Reply to:
- Estate Sale ? Horse Clock
- Been in my family for a while. Some paint chipping but clock is fully functional. Removable saddle on horse.
- *Price Negotiable
Look at the time, doesn't it seem weird that he would be putting this up almost 12 hours past the time of taking the pictures?